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Mobile Ad Platform

Geo Targeting

Our platform lets advertisers choose any location or site accross the globe and geo-fence it with any km radius. Highly targeted ads and videos are then delivered to the right audience at the right time and right location.


Display Ads & Video Ads

Location relevant & contextual banner and video ads are delivered to a highly targeted audience. Be it for driving footfalls to a particular location or creating pre-post event buzz or simply to engage with the end user, our platform lets you do all this and much more in no time.


This is a fairly powerful feature wherein once the consumers engages with our ads and let us store their device id's we can then re-target them on the basis of their tastes and preference at any time in future irrespective of which app or mobile website they are under.


Data Analytics From OOH & Others Sources

Re-targeting combined with data from our OOH platforms ensures unparalleled reach and targeting options for our advertisers.

Other Targeting Parameter

Advertisers could also target on the basis of time/day parting, ISP/channel category,demographics, audience profile etc. With our proprietary technology advertisers can also create instant social media buzz and engagement via our platform.


OOH Mobile Features

At LOCAD we combine the power of OOH with mobile to increase engagement opportunities with your target audience! The LOCAD Mobile Network is a customized geo-fencing solution, grounded in OOH assets, with location verification enabled. Reinforce your message with a ​complementary mobile ad, by geo-fencing OOH assets and key secondary locations. OOH is the BEST Primer for Mobile Engagement, with consumers 48% more likely to engage with a mobile ad, after being exposed to that same ad on OOH first. * SOURCE: Ocean, Neuro Insight)
